I have been dealing with the yellow crusts for almost 6 years now. Everyone here knows how it is, you wake up in the morning and check for face for any new ooze, or red bumps which might turn into it. I have been repeatedly told that my problem was impetigo, but I knew that wasn’t true. Multiple cultures of the ooze itself and carrier sites have come back negative, showing only “normal flora”. Impetigo treatments were not a permanent solution to me, as the lesions always came back after.
The lesions I get occur primarily on my nose. I have had them in different parts of my face, but they’re usually insignificant. The closer to the nose they happen, the worse they are, to the point of having to take off work / cancel plans so I could sit at home and dab the lesions dry as they ooze.
I have noticed a few triggers - if something very stressful happens, I’ll get a lesion. If I drink alcohol, I’ll get a lesion. If the wind is very bad or if I take too hot a shower, I’ll get a lesion. But sometimes, they just come out of nowhere, with no identifiable triggers. I have worked in infectious disease research and epidemiology for the past two years and have gotten to know a lot about the subject. I have never seen a patient (or anyone else besides you all here on this forum) with the same thing I have.
A few months ago I was prescribed Soolantra, which was easy enough to get because derms have told me before that I have rosacea (due to my overall complexion). I was very afraid to start due to the possible bad first reaction. Last week I had a lesion the size of a dime on my nose. I decided it was time to start the Soolantra after the lesion healed. For reference, I have not gone longer than a month and a week without getting a significant lesion. There are times when I will get new ones every few days and there are times where I won’t have any at all.
This first week turned out well. I think I may be out of the woods as far as the first reaction is concerned, because I did get three small new lesions which healed. Hoping there won’t be any more, but I’m more than happy to keep everyone updated. I’m using Soolantra every other day, about half the size of a pea, and spreading it all over the bottom half of my nose (where the lesions are the worst). It seems very gentle, I noticed the slightest stinging upon application which faded away within five minutes. I did notice, as many others have, that it causes dryness, but nothing a bit of Aveeno can’t fix.
I started using the Soolantra on Friday, and this was my nose on Sunday:
Monday (a bit of yellow ooze):
Today (Friday):
Hoping for the best as I continue the treatment.