Main topic - Oozing Yellow Crusts

I’ve taken the leap and started on Rosiver cream on March 15th. Rosiver is the brand name for Soolantra here in Canada. It cost $200. I apply just before bed after showing. In the morning I am applying the TTO mixture after washing again. For the first few days there was no noticeable change and my skin was great. I only had 4 or 5 tiny bumps. My skin has deteriorated yesterday and today (day 8 and 9) with more pustules. I count about 18 pustules. I have 6 larger pustules. The rest aren’t significant. The nature of the pustules has changed. They itch more and are a little larger but don’t really ooze. I’m sticking with it because something is changing and I think it is die off. I’ll keep you updated on progress. Still hopeful that this treatment will work for me.