These are the crust that I have once the whiteheads are popped or just let them run its course. I did oral metrodonizale for 2 weeks and it seemed to not do that much. I stopped shampooing my hair and it has improved a lot in my scalp. My face is better but still not clear since I have two oozing little pimples. ANy of u guys has flakes when trimming beard? Had acne before? I always had pustules but they never crusted over. It seems some of u never had skin issues and then u got the crusty bumps. Were they pimples or just bumps? ANy background info is appreciated and thanks
Never posted on here but I had this things in summer end of August till October doctors told me coldsores then impetigo then sycosis barbae anyway it allwsys in the beard for me gote area right side allways start as little pimples if u leave them just put sud on cream on it after soaking hot water they go if you pick them like I originally did they become huge sores size of a pound coin it’s definitely not viral as antibiotics worked but kept coming back still get them but three minor now I no how to deal with them but still never found out what it actually is tho I do believe it’s from animals tinea barbae look it up cuz mine started as soon as I got my dog but doctors usles fucking prick made me feel like a cunt couldn’t leave the house I had a permanent ozzing sore on my face for weeks as soon as it heald the process would start again i don’t think it’s contagious from human to human but defo spreads on urself
I have acne since puberty, but also some periods in time where my face was clean. But it’s far less than in puberty now.
Too much shampooing is also bad for my scalp, it causes bumps etc.
I have no flakes on my beard.
Your situation does look like the photos here, right? What does it look like? (photos)
I used oral itraconazol for some weeks to rule out tinea, but it didn’t have any effect.
I still belief that demodex may play a role, but probably with another factor. Usually everybody has demodex, but animals such as dogs may transfer other types of demodex to humans, or maybe may increase the population. I don’t have a dog, but I was taking care of a dog regulary. Although I cannot recall whether I got the problem about that time, but transfer from a dog is one of the things where I do wonder about.
@Jdowner You should give Soolantra a try, if you haven’t already. It works for a lot of people here. (The main purpose of Soolantra is to kill demodex.)
What works for me is sulfur cream. Watching what i eat.
What is your process with the sulfur cream? Just apply at night after washing your face?
Yes. The instructions say to wash off after 10 mins but I just leave it on. Its called peter thomas roth sulfur mask.
Omg!! This dermamites are sorry little mofos. The most painful crap I’ve ever felt on my face. It started on my nose then to my cheeks and what I’ve see was a host would be burrow in and females would all go to a host which starts out with maybe one. And ends up with 8 to 10 places that all gather to mate or hatch because the sharp ass mofos was coming out of my face for sure yesturday. It had too 2 weeks to get to this and I never seen such crazy pics. I downloaded the microscope app and started taking pics. I could see the little micro ones wiggling around and the hard Razer sharp ones I think are males. But the pain when I would pull each and everyone out was exhausting. Urgent care with pics and got Permethrin Cream 5% w/w, this is a pesticide and it was killing the damn thing instantly. I applied it over my face 2 times in 2 hours and omg. Read directions! 2 x daily. My face was in fire and it was bed time and when I rinsed off with cold water I could see the damn thing in the sink. What a ugly mess they made of my face
![1531326703715|308x500]It’s unclear whether demodex is causing the oozing yellow crust disease. Almost everybody on Earth has demodex on the skin, so maybe it’s better not to focus on them too much, but to focus more on the solutoins that seem to work for the people here. If you have lesions that clearly look like What does it look like? (photos), then I would suggest to try Soolantra and/or Sudocrem.
I did use Permethrin myself, but it didn’t help. I would also recommend not to try it often, because it’s neurotoxic.