Since December I have been using a humidifier every night while I sleep. I noticed a difference within a week and within a month was 99% clear. from then to now I have pretty much been clear apart from maybe one or two small bumps a month, which if they do appear are much smaller and go away much quicker.
I have had this issue since late 2015 and my symptoms match those of other users on this site.
I noticed from reading this forum people mentioning that dry skin made their situation worse and that moisturisation is key. I suffer from acne, and use Benzoyl Peroxide twice a day, which leaves my skin extremely dry. I wondered if my dry skin from using BP was making this situation worse.
At the beginning of 2017, I initially tried using less BP in the hope that this would reduce how dry my skin was. This worked really well, but I started to get acne again so had to bump up my BP amount back to previous levels. I then started using more moisturiser and also applying it during the middle of the day as well as in the morning and at night. This made a difference and reduced the number of bumps, but still not close to 100% clear (maybe more like 50%). I then increased the amount of moisturiser I used even further, and while this resulted in further improvement, I started getting these weird bumps that would take forever to heal and were huge in diameter. It seemed like my skin was majorly infected with something as the initial bump just seemed to eat away at the surrounding skin and from an initial small size, would rapidly turn huge. Each one took weeks to fully clear. I put this down to using too much moisturiser and so reduced back to what I previously was using and this seemed to put an end to these extremely large ones. Maybe the increased moisturiser was making for a more welcome environment for bacteria?
The above experiments went on for months, and by the time I experienced the big bumps described above, it was around October 2017. I then thought of ways to increase moisturisation without using any more moisturiser, and I had seen humidifiers mentioned when searching on the internet. So I bought one from Amazon and then started using it every night. As I mentioned before, I started noticing a difference quickly and eventually this daily use pretty much cleared me up.
It makes sense to me that moisturisation is so key, as skin that is dehydrated is surely weaker and more susceptible to infection, and healing capabilities are less.
I will still continue to search for other methods that might work as using a humidifier is a pain due to having to regularly clean it to avoid bacterial growth/mold etc. But even if I don’t find another solution, I know that at least I will have the humidifier to fall back on.
I really hope this helps someone. No harm in giving it a try if you have this disease and suffer from dry skin too.