Hi Jncoe88,
It sounds similar to what the people on this forum have. Which is a skin problem that doesn’t behave like impetigo normally would, but there are similarities.
If it looks very similar the photos found here and antibiotics don’t work, then it can be worth trying topical ivermectin (Soolantra or a cheaper animal version). (“Worth” is probably an understatement because many people here have good success with it.) An introduction about this can be found here. Note that in the beginning, topical ivermectin can make things temporary worse, when once it works the improvement can be big.
I think that things that dry out the skin, makes the skin more prone to the problem. For example, washing the face under a hot shower causes it to dry out. Also central heating can cause dry air, which can dry out the skin. To protect the skin, you could use a moisturizer like the one mentioned here. This may also reduce itch.
I would avoid topical corticosteroids, as this may cause a big rebound once you quit.