I have been using soolantra for a week now. It already seems to be helping, getting small lesions but not weeping anymore.
Also, I had a gastroscopy appointment today. While im waiting on biopsy results, the procedure showed that there was nothing wrong with my gut. My main reason for going was waking up with constant nausea and stomach pains as well as my skin problem, worrying if its related.
A question I have for you guys… with the legality of it changing across the world, do any of you use cannabis? To a lot of people, getting procedures done like MRI scans, ultrasound for kidneys, blood tests that result in no problems found is good news, but for me its frustrating. I want the doctors to find something so I can be helped.
After this recent endoscopy I was upset that it came back negative for anything so far. I went home and thought, perhaps its my cannabis use?
I searched the link of nausea and cannabis use and came across articles explaining the ‘Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome’ and it pretty much explains all my symptoms. It was 2004 for the first time it had ever been recorded in a medical journal, so still very new. I believe i am in the prodromal stage. I was a daily user for the past 10 years up until yesterday. While it may take time for me to feel the symptoms lessen (could be days, weeks, months) I just thought this may be of interest to some who may be using cannabis, and its possible link to this skin problem. I have been feeling the nausea at different intensities daily since about a year and a half ago. I have not been professionally diagnosed, but given the fact that all my tests are coming back negative and its similarity to other people affected whom ive read about in medical journals, im quite convinced this is what im dealing with regarding my nausea and possibly my skin problem.
I am currently on day 2 of not using. I feel the nausea and gut pains, but according to some medical journals this will take a couple of days to get rid of. The only known cure for people affected by this is either compulsivw hot showering / bathing, or quitting the use of cannabis completely. Its hard to realize at first because many assume cannabis can not be a culprit due to its anti-nausea quality, and so many sufferers who deal with these symptoms unaware of whats causing it, use cannabis to relieve the symptoms only for it to come back as a vicious cycle.
As i said I have not been professionally diagnosed, I am quitting to see how this affects my symptoms without any intention of using it again.
Out of interest do any of you use cannabis and if so, have you found any relation to your use and your skin problem? Thanks