Main topic - Oozing Yellow Crusts


I haven’t posted on here in nearly two years, and that’s because no news is good news : ) after 10 years of suffering, I used soolantra daily for one month and haven’t had an outbreak since.

@Tso, have you ever considered contacting a dermatology researcher or something? Someone who could finally give this skin condition a name and get this information published so that other dermatologists know about it, and no other sufferers have to feel like a medical mystery anymore? Just something I’ve thought about over the years…

So you don’t take Soolantra anymore? Good to hear that it fully cleared you. Although Soolantra works for most of us, not everybody becomes 100% clear.

Such ideas crossed my mind. But researchers would maybe need more patients than where I am located, which are difficult to find. Most users here are from US, Canada or UK. Researchers would maybe also need some research funding.
Before I learned about Soolantra, things like this crossed my mind: maybe I should stop with everything I do and try to become a dermatologist myself to cure my own disease.

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Hey hope you guys are well, I am thinking of going to my GP to get soolantra again since my skin keeps breaking out. It seems as though I tend to break out more frequently when I shave, for example, I tend to get those weeping red bumps sometimes in places where I have shaved my face. I had a long moustache for over a year and while I did get a rare red bump there, now that I have shaved my moustache and keep it shaved, I seem to be getting these weeping bumps / sores in the places where i shave. Anyone here notice the same?

The salt water method seemed to dry my skin out too much. I did switch to using olive leaf extract in vegetable glycerin which definitely helped with keeping my skin moisturized, and seemed to help with the inflammation of these lesions, but right now im dealing with another outbreak.

I should be getting some benzoyl peroxide cream tomorrow in the mail since I read that it worked for someone here, just going to give it a try.

Tso, thanks for your efforts with this website. Are you still using soolantra for this skin issue and has yours ever returned? Thanks

Just woke up with a swollen bags under my left eye… ive also notice this tends to affect my eyes, but quite rarely. Just so happens this morning was one of those days… worries me because of my diabetes / diabetic retinopathy. Really just want this problem to go away.

Have you been using Soolantra continously, or did you have a break?

In my case the lesions also occured outside the shaving area. Like you say, dry skin causes your skin barrier to become weaker, making you more prone to the lesions. Shaving may also cause the skin barrier to become a bit weaker, especially when strong alcohol products are used.
I did read a case study somewhere in which a guy reused this razor too long, causing a bad bacteria buildup on this razor that caused lesions. (Maybe not the same as ours, but maybe more like impetigo caused by staph.)
I use a moisturizer on daily basis from the same company that makes Soolantra, to protect my skin: Skin hydration & Moisturizers

Benzoyl peroxide is able to dry out the skin, but if I’m correct, I did read somewhere that it helped someone. If you try it, let us know the results.

The swollen eye problem is something that isn’t reported very often, but some members here do have that problem, including me before I started with Soolantra. In my case, I contribute that cause to demodex mites, as I tested some eyelashes that were involved in lesions on the eyelids, under a microscope.
The problem completely disappeared shortly after starting with Soolantra, even though I didn’t apply in near the eyes. (You shouldn’t apply it near the eyes, according to the manual.)

I’m not really using Soolantra anymore after I got fully cleared after using Sudocrem for some days. ( Sudocrem saved me! ). I did use Soolantra a few times afterwards because I thought it was maybe coming back, but it did not.

If you want to change your regimen, then I would suggest to try the combination of this:

  • Soolantra to supress the problem
  • A moisturizer to improve skin barrier protection
  • Sudocrem for some days when you’re at home or at night.
  • Intermittent fasting (IF) to improve health in general (which includes immume system and insuline resistance). In my case, IF removed acne and bumps that seemed to be related to the oozing lesions. If you are diabetic, then it may be recommended to discus IF with your doctor before starting with it.


So far its my second day using the benzoyl peroxide cream (5% - The brand name is Acnecide) - I notice that it definitely reduces the size and severity of the lesions and almost stops them from getting larger if i notice one forming. So far it seems to be working efficiently at this, although I am still getting new break outs at the same rate. Still only the second day but seems quite promising. The only issue is that it dries my skin out a lot since thays part of the way it works so im just going to wait and see how my skin reacts after a couple of days.

As for my eye the swelling went down, but there was persistant itchiness where my eyelashes are but this seems to have gone away after 2 days.

Hey Tso,

I am able to get some Soolantra by next week. I just wanted to know how you applied it to your face? When I used it, I would only apply a very small amount, less than the size of a pea, to any affected lesions, not my whole face.

Did you apply it only to the affected areas or your whole face?

I applied Soolantra to those areas where lesions did occur, even when there were no lesions at that moment. For me, that was almost the complete face. Basically, the green area’s of this: What does it look like? (photos) Except around the eyes, but I did apply it between the eyes and on the eyebrows. Sometimes I also did apply on the ears and on the scalp.

Soolantra seems also to be effective with a small dose. Considering the high price of Soolantra, you could moisture the face a bit with water, then apply Soolantra afterwards, so that it spreads easier over the dampened face than a dry face, thereby reducing the amount that you need. I often combined it with a moisturizer from the same company as Soolantra, which Soolantra also uses as its base ingredient. (For more info, see Skin hydration & Moisturizers ) I combined it by first applying Soolantra, then waiting 5 minutes, and then I applied the moisturizer.

Hey guys,
I have been following this forum for a while now, but this is the first time I post. I wanted to share my story with you as it may be helpful to somebody and because this was the place where I first heard about Soolantra. Long story short, I’ve had the same problem as most of you, oozing, itchy bumps on my face that didn’t look like acne to me but rather like mosqito bites that would start to ooze and than form disgusting crusts. I have never had any problems with my skin until 2 years ago (I 'm 40 now) and it escalated during my pregnancy, I believe the stress was the trigger. So the official diagnosis, made by three renomated dermatologists, was rosacea. A different treatments have been given to me including different antibiotics (hemomycin, orvagile, doxycycline) and topicals (skinoren, metronidasole), none of which have worked. Then here, on this forum, I heard about Soolantra, asked my dr about it and he explained to me that one of the theories what causes rosacea is the excess number of demodex mites on the skin because of the weakened barrier of skin and that ivermectin (which is the active ingredient in soolantra) kills it as it is an antiparasitic. Well, soolantra is still unavailable in my country, so I took horse paste instead, which has the same active ingredient but in 1.87%, compared to 1% in soolantra (the other ingredients are all safe for human use, I’ve checked it). Desparate times call for desparate measures, so I decided to give it a try. And it worked miraculously, it cleared my skin in 5 days, I continued to use it for 12 weeks and then once a week. I haven’t had any new leasions since then (October). I hope this will help some of you, and I believe the most of you have rosacea as well, but people usually connect rosace with redness and not with this kind of oozing bumps. Wish you all to get rid of your oozing crusts as I know how devastating it is for each and every aspect of your lives. Cheers!


Thank you so much for sharing! I started ‘horse paste’ 1/19!

Hoping for the best :slight_smile:

So glad it helped you xx

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So, Im actually a professional research scientist. I was chatting with a friend last night who is a medical researcher and he gave me a list of medical journals that might be interested in an article from me on this topic - a narrative about using the power of the internet to crowdsource a highly effective treatment for a previously unrecognized skin condition, paired with actual data on how this conditions presents, symptoms, photos, treatment history, etc from users on this website.

If I can find a journal interested in this topic, would users on here be interested in working with me? I wouldnt need to know your name or location if you preferred to keep that private, but just some of your demographic info - age, sex, race/ethnicity - and then mostly the information already on this website - your story, symptoms, treatments, post-soolantra experience, photos of the lesions, some quotes about how this skin conditions has affected your life, and what this website has meant to you.

@Tso @Ika @misfit108 @RecoverE @Danniella @col @Dm78 @adent3742 @ anyone else???


Happy to be a part of it. I went to John’s Hopkins and two different mayo clinics. All they did was pump me full of antibiotics and, as a shot in the dark, give me leprosy medicine. I endured this disease for 20 years. In the 19th year, I purchased a handgun with the intent of blowing my brains out on the 20th anniversary of my first outbreak. About three months shy of that event, I discovered one other person who had the same problem. That was enough to give me hope. Then Soolantra cured me for the most part and I got my life back. I think there are a lot of people who never found anyone who had this and just simply ended their lives. I was definitely in line to be one of them.

Yes I’m in. Sounds like a good idea to get some research going on this.


I have been using soolantra for a week now. It already seems to be helping, getting small lesions but not weeping anymore.

Also, I had a gastroscopy appointment today. While im waiting on biopsy results, the procedure showed that there was nothing wrong with my gut. My main reason for going was waking up with constant nausea and stomach pains as well as my skin problem, worrying if its related.

A question I have for you guys… with the legality of it changing across the world, do any of you use cannabis? To a lot of people, getting procedures done like MRI scans, ultrasound for kidneys, blood tests that result in no problems found is good news, but for me its frustrating. I want the doctors to find something so I can be helped.

After this recent endoscopy I was upset that it came back negative for anything so far. I went home and thought, perhaps its my cannabis use?

I searched the link of nausea and cannabis use and came across articles explaining the ‘Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome’ and it pretty much explains all my symptoms. It was 2004 for the first time it had ever been recorded in a medical journal, so still very new. I believe i am in the prodromal stage. I was a daily user for the past 10 years up until yesterday. While it may take time for me to feel the symptoms lessen (could be days, weeks, months) I just thought this may be of interest to some who may be using cannabis, and its possible link to this skin problem. I have been feeling the nausea at different intensities daily since about a year and a half ago. I have not been professionally diagnosed, but given the fact that all my tests are coming back negative and its similarity to other people affected whom ive read about in medical journals, im quite convinced this is what im dealing with regarding my nausea and possibly my skin problem.

I am currently on day 2 of not using. I feel the nausea and gut pains, but according to some medical journals this will take a couple of days to get rid of. The only known cure for people affected by this is either compulsivw hot showering / bathing, or quitting the use of cannabis completely. Its hard to realize at first because many assume cannabis can not be a culprit due to its anti-nausea quality, and so many sufferers who deal with these symptoms unaware of whats causing it, use cannabis to relieve the symptoms only for it to come back as a vicious cycle.

As i said I have not been professionally diagnosed, I am quitting to see how this affects my symptoms without any intention of using it again.

Out of interest do any of you use cannabis and if so, have you found any relation to your use and your skin problem? Thanks

Hi everyone , I’m gaby from Colombia . A few weeks ago I started to present some erythemathous zones in my cheeks that developed in some yellow crusts . I went to the doctor and he prescribe me cephalexin for a week and I recovery so well but four days later my face became oozing some yellow liquid just in the same place that it was before . So my dermatologist prescribed me dicloxaciline and ciprofloxacin , and my face clear up completly until two days later . Now my face is oonzing a little bit. I read the cases that you posted about two users that cure it with soolantra , oral ivermectin and metronidazol so i decided to start using that , I promise to update my develop . Now that i found this forum I have hope again . Wish me luck and sorry for my english

Psd: I have some blood exams and my eosinophils , limphocytes and igE are high which indicates or some allergic reaction or some parasitism (demodex)

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Welcome to the family. Your English is perfect. Don’t worry about the doctors and their stupid tests. Soolantra will fix you.


I wanted to thank this forum for existing and people here for sharing their knowledge and experience. After a lot of searching I finally found this forum and it was by far one of the best things that’s happened to me, because it led to learning about Soolantra, which fixed my issues. It’s been almost a year with little to no occurrences of “oozing yellow crusts”, my skin is looking better than it ever has. I felt like posting something here a month in to my good experience but decided to wait in case it was a fluke and came back.

42 years old now, started getting these about 10-12 years ago. It started relatively mild, small outbreaks of 4-5 of these every month or two… not really fond of going to doctors so I lived with it, but it slowly ramped up over the years until it became nearly continuous, and I’d be lucky to get a occasional week without any. It took a bad outbreak just as I was scheduled to give a professional talk at a technical conference to drive me to a dermatologist.

Well long story short but the dermatologist wasn’t very good. He diagnosed rosacea, gave me antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide face wash. After a month on that I went back and he was confused as to why it had not improved, even worsened, and was mumbling to himself about what he should try next… fortunately I’d been on this forum and I mentioned “what about Soolantra?” too which he replied “yeah, that’s good stuff, we can try that – expensive but I have some samples”.

Well here is what happened… it was a Monday when I started Soolantra and I had pretty much my last outbreak that Friday. Then virtually nothing for almost a year now. It was a night and day difference – absolutely amazed. I say “virtually nothing” because I had a small one appear on the side of my nose and small one on a earlobe a few months ago, both at the same time, but I blame myself because I had been ratcheting down Soolantra to see how much it actually took to work… at that time I’d been skipping 2-3 days between dosages, which apparently is too much. I find its not been necessary to use it every day – every other is fine, but any more than that seems to push it. It is expensive stuff but fortunately I have good insurance… but even if insurance is paying for it it doesn’t seem right to use any more than absolutely necessary, which is why I felt it important to figure out what the minimum amount needed actually was, at least for me.

Anyway thanks again to this forum and everyone on it. I don’t think if I would have mentioned it by name to this dermatologist he would have thought to prescribe it for me. Getting this taken care of like this has removed a lot of unnecessary embarrassment, stress, and anxiety.


That’s good to hear, brother. No one but us know how impossible and humiliating it is to live with this thing. I too, got rid of it right around your same age. I would not be here to type this if not for Soolantra.


Having excellent results on horse paste (Ivermectin for horses) for those that want to save some $$$.

Hope you’re all doing well


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Hey everyone,

I am so relieved to have found this website! I have been trying to figure out whats going on with my skin for several years now; literally googled my symptoms over and over again with no avail. Quick background, I’m a 26 y.o African American female. I didn’t start experiencing these crusty bumps until grad school a few years ago when my stress was at its absolute highest. What started as a rare occurrence every few months is slowly becoming a monthly issue despite finishing grad school. My bumps seem to be exactly like everyone else. One minute my skin is fine, the next second I feel a dreaded itch on my face and within minutes theres an irritated bump that either stays its original size or grows into a monstrosity. It starts off like a pimple, but with even a little manipulation all hell breaks loose and yellow fluid oozes non-stop. I’ve seen a derm who quickly brushed it off as folliculitis and prescribed me fluocinonide. I’m still currently using the fluocinonide and I bring it with me EVERYWHERE, in the hopes that if I feel that itch I can quickly apply some cream and prevent a bump. My desperation for a solution reached an all time high after having a panic attack over a rising bump which caused me to call out of work; these bumps cause me so much anxiety! The worse part is that I’m getting married in a few months so just the thought of having one of these crusty peckers on my wedding day is helping my anxiety remain at an all time high. Words can’t explain the relief that I feel now knowing that I’m not the only one in the world with this issue. More than anything I just wanted to express my appreciation for everyone of who shared their experiences and stories on this website. I definitely plan on seeking out a prescription for Soolantra and I’m hoping for the best. My skin has never been great but I’d give anything just for my face to stop oozing.

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